Thomas A. Philbrook

Member since 2005


From his workspace overlooking Sandy Bay in Rockport, MA, Tom Philbrook uses his background in Graphic Design and Illustration, his camera, and his imagination to create whimsical and ethereal compositions.

As a lifelong New Englander, Tom’s exploration of the Northeast and his current home turf of Cape Ann has been one of life’s pleasures. A variety of landscapes and seascapes of the region appear in his work. The observation of the changing seasons and of the night sky are favorite themes as Tom finds the “cyclicality of nature” inspiring and comforting. 

The photography of his “digital composites” is often just the jumping off point. For the last 20 years the computer has been his chosen medium. By adding objects directly scanned as well as drawings he renders traditionally, Tom expands the reach of his picture-making. An early interest in entomology sparked an affinity for winged creatures from insects to angels. Inspired by the beauty and diversity of the natural world, Tom’s “allegorically leaning” imagery melds with an awe of nature and the cosmos to create his spiritual works.

Tom’s more playful pictures seem to start from a question of “What if” . . . and then he brings those speculations to life. Pop culture characters appear in iconic New England locations, swimming off shore and towering over villages, robots rise up, space is invaded, and hidden worlds are revealed.

Whether reflecting back to childhood with his surreal retro-kitsch pictures, or beyond the surface nature and into the earth-soul, the altered world of Tom Philbrook is magical.

Facebook: ThomasPhilbrookArt
Instagram: @tomterrifick


Thomas A. Philbrook, A New World, Digital, 11 x 18 in.

Thomas A. Philbrook, Vacationing in the Off Season, Digital, 12 x 17 in.

Thomas A. Philbrook, Our Lady Of The Motif, Digital, 12 x 18 in.

All images ©Thomas A. Philbrook