Susan Guest-McPhail
Member since 1992
Art is like breathing, you just have to do it.
Having been through many forms of creating has led me to non objective work, which is like an interesting mystery. You don't know where it will take you in order to have a surprise ending.
My work is created from handprinted or painted paper and paint. The medium is either acrylic or oil and wax. Most important to me is to share and teach the process with like minded adventurers. I have exhibited in many museums, galleries and art shows and colleges which I’ve enjoyed and have been fortunate to have received many awards. I now spend my time just experimenting and having fun.
Featured in “Printing Without A Press” by Nancy Marculewicz
Cover of "Arts Around Boston magazine"
Montserrat College of Art
Museum of Fine Arts, classes
De Cordova Museum, classes
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Association
National Association of Women Artists
Experimental Group, RAA&M
Rockport art association and Museum
North Shore Art Association
Pastel Society of America signature member
Copley Society, artist member
Monotype Guild Of New England
Susan Guest-McPhail, The Search, Mixed Media, 12 x 12 in.
Susan Guest-McPhail, Heat, Mixed Media, 18 x 24 in.
Susan Guest-Mcphail, Beached, Mixed Media, 24 x 24 in.