Candace Whittemore Lovely
Member Since 1983
Who Is Candace Whittemore Lovely?
With a fussy child on her hands, Mrs. Sally Lovely gave her daughter Candace a red crayon to calm and entertain her. That one act started a life time of imagination and creation for Candace Whittemore Lovely. Her passion for art has continued to flourish and shape her life choices. In high school she led a strike to keep the art room open. She would skip study hall to go home and create in her dad's workshop. An art major in college, she was awed by Winslow Homer's works. She asked one professor, "who can teach me to paint like him?" He replied, "NO ONE!”
That didn't stop Candace. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in art and a fifth-year teaching certificate, she moved to Boston. Her husband took her to the best art Gallery on Newbury Street. There Bill Vose recommended Candace study with the Boston School, America’s oldest continuing school of painting. The Boston School developed her under a philosophy based on impressionistic observation of light and color. Candace eventually owned a Fenway Studio where John Singer Sargent once painted. Her career has flourished as she has earned awards and Hall of Fame honors. In 1991 Lovely painted the official portrait of Barbara Bush in the First Lady's Garden at the White House. She is a University of Vermont Most Prominent Alumna and a Copley Society Master. Candace has been referred to as “the top American living female impressionist artist” and “The Grand Dame of Boston Painters”. Sold throughout the world, many of her works have depicted life and landscapes from New England and the Low Country. Her paintings capture the moment. Whether it's a polo match, an old man shucking peas, umbrellas at the beach, or a Vermont pasture, her work embraces the scene and use light and color to express life and love.
Candace Lovely, Playing with Fire
Candace Lovely, Arlington Street Showers
Candace Lovely, Newbury and Exeter Streets
All images ©Candace Whittemore Lovely